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I am Julie, a swiss freelance writer, translator and content creator but also a passionate yogini and traveller.

While still working a corporate job , I got deeper into Yoga, Fitness and nutrition, finally taking my YTT with Tara Stiles and Mike Taylor ( and getting a certification in plant based nutrition from Cornell University New York City. Other YTT followed as well as massage and reiki trainings.

I started coaching people to reach their personal goals in terms of fitness and health and to organize pop up yoga events, mixing yoga with club culture. Finally, I quit the corporate world, which gave me the freedom to travel more and to dive deeper into my passions, gaining experiences on the way.


To follow my heart, I did every side job you can imagine and let go of many material things, but also limiting beliefs and ideas. 


I was writing most of my life, but I started to tell stories about the chaotic, not always super shiny, but nevertheless funny sides of living your dreams, not only sharing my own personal journey but also creating informative content about holistic health, nutrition and yoga, for my canals and for others.

Wanna collab ? Leave me a message !

who we think we are often gets kind of b
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